A genuine interest in really understanding something.
Start with why
Always with integrity
Being straightforward and transparent in all we do.
Take pride
Always seeking to do our best work and continually improve.
Make it happen
That inclination to say yes, be pro-active and turn ideas into reality.
People focused
Creating a culture where every individual is valued be it team, client or collaborator.
Start with why
Like we said – this is our niche, a genuine interest in really understanding something. Not every role needs to fully understand everything they’re working on but we want everyone to start with why. Ask the question and think before you do.
We want to be a company who are intentionally and actively good at understanding our client’s environment and challenges. It means being genuinely curious, and excited about good solutions.
We’re collaborators and partners who want to see our clients or products succeed – so we are bold and ask why – a value we continue to champion and make explicit within our teams.
Always with integrity
Right from the off we decided to be transparent and straightforward.
It’s a value we foster internally amongst ourselves and externally so that no matter which team member a client interacts with – they’re left with a firm confidence of trust and transparency in the interaction.
It’s been a really successful value! Almost our entire clientbase has come via referral or repeat business, or relationships we’re built on the value of integrity – of being honest, telling the truth and first and foremost doing the right thing. If we make a mistake – we own it.
Take Pride
We want this to be a place where we all do our best work – where we finish fully and complete well, and do work we’re proud of afterwards – maybe especially when it’s work we’re not super thrilled about having to do. In many ways, that’s when Take Pride really counts.
Taking pride requires discipline and time from all of us – as teams and as individuals, but we really believe in being as excellent as we can be! It’s the attitude of always wanting to improve and the dissatisfaction when we don’t produce our best work.
Make it Happen
For us, Make it Happen means initiative, participation. It’s the can-do mucking-in attitude – commitment to being involved.
It doesn’t mean we all have to be extroverts or enthusiastic personalities (thank goodness!) but it does mean engaging with opportunities and each other. It’s that inclination to say yes, to back ourselves and make something a reality.
People Focused
We talk about it all the time – team, people and culture are really important to us. We want each member of our team to have freedom in shaping and developing their roles, and ultimately their careers whether thats here or somewhere else.
We extend that same sense of individual value to all of our clients and collaborators. We also have the Make It Happen initiative which allows us to express something of our people focused culture.